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  • Writer's pictureShare Europe Network Association

Unveiling the Erasmus+ Project: Spatial Visualizations For Educational Content Creators

Updated: Dec 5, 2023

In the heart of Sofia, Bulgaria, from March 9th to 11th, 2023, an inspiring convergence unfolded at Nikolai Ostrovski 5. It marked the inaugural meeting of the Erasmus+ funded project, "Spatial Visualizations for Educational Content Creators" (Project Number: 2022-2-BG01-KA210-ADU-000100721), orchestrated by Share Europe Network Association.

The event galvanized minds from esteemed educational institutions and innovative organizations:

  • Geniko Lykeio Agios Nikolaos, Sithonia, Halkidiki, Greece


This maiden rendezvous commenced with a spirited welcome, acquainting each participant with the project's overarching aims and partners' roles. An exhaustive overview unfolded, unveiling the project's intricate tapestry, activities, and meticulous timelines.

The core focus rested on the project's vast scope, delving into:

Analysis, Recommendations, Guidelines/Training Materials:

The discussion steered towards the development of analytical materials—a comprehensive dive into available software, technological resources, and potential hardware solutions. An emphasis was placed on open educational resources, illuminating pathways for knowledge and skill acquisition.


Introducing questionnaires to glean insights from targeted groups and surveying experiences with spatial visualizations as an educational tool.

Guidelines/Educational Materials:

Crafting practical training sessions and illustrating effective methodologies for educational content creation took precedence. The tailored instructional materials aimed to resonate across varying digital literacy levels.

Expected Results:

Anticipated outcomes ranged from the comprehensive development of analytical materials to formulation of balanced recommendations. A key milestone lay in creating guidelines and educational materials in partnership languages, ensuring a reach across borders.

The Competence Center:

The project's sustainability hinged on establishing a Competence Center within the Share Europe Network Association. This envisioned virtual space would serve as a repository for resources and a hub for collaborative learning.

The meeting culminated in a cohesive vision—a strategic framework laid out meticulously for the Competence Center's development and management. Plans were set in motion to create an encompassing virtual space housing analytical materials, educational content, and an interactive blog space.

The conclusion of this transnational meeting heralds a promising trajectory. It set the stage for collaborative efforts and delineated the roadmap for the "Spatial Visualizations for Educational Content Creators" project.

As the curtains drew on this momentous gathering, the next steps emerged:

  • Initiation of desk-based research for analytical material development.

  • Dissemination of questionnaires among target groups for invaluable recommendations.

  • The meticulous planning and execution of practical training sessions based on the meticulously crafted guidelines.

The journey has commenced—a collective endeavor to empower educational content creators through the transformative power of spatial visualizations.

Stay tuned for updates as this transformative odyssey unfolds, paving the way for innovation and knowledge empowerment in education.

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