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  • Writer's pictureShare Europe Network Association

Milestone Achieved: Successful Completion of the Project

We are delighted to share the remarkable success story of the "Spatial Visualizations for Educational Content Creators" project, made possible through the support of the Erasmus+ program (Project number: 2022-2-BG01-KA210-ADU-000100721). The culmination of this endeavor was a four-day practical training held from December 17-20, 2023, in Sofia, Bulgaria. This event was a pivotal moment, bringing together representatives from diverse target groups for an immersive and comprehensive training experience.

Guided by the project's coordinator, the training aimed to empower participants with foundational knowledge in spatial visualizations. The agenda was meticulously crafted to cover various aspects, from understanding the basics to exploring advanced applications.

Day 1: Understanding Spatial Visualizations

Session 1: Introduction to Spatial Visualizations

  • Definition and Significance

  • Forms and Types

  • Case Studies

Session 2: Creating Spatial Visualizations

  • Creating 360-degree Images: Equipment and Techniques

  • Introduction to 3D Modeling: Software options and fundamental techniques

  • Copyright Considerations

Day 2: Practical Aspects of Spatial Visualizations

Session 3: Technical Requirements

  • Hardware Essentials

  • Software Tools

Session 4: Publishing and Utilizing Spatial Visualizations

  • Online Publishing Platforms

  • Educational Applications

Day 3: Enhancing Spatial Visualizations

Session 5: Annotations and Upgrades

  • Adding Context through Annotations

  • Upgrading Visualizations

Session 6: Recap and Q&A

  • Recapitulation of Foundational Knowledge

  • Open Discussion and Q&A

Day 4: Advanced Applications and Practical Workshops

Session 7: Advanced Applications of Spatial Visualizations

  • Cutting-edge Uses

  • Industry Case Studies

Session 8: Practical Workshops and Hands-On Exercises

  • Interactive Workshops

  • Creating, Editing, and Enhancing

Note: The training plan focused on imparting foundational knowledge about spatial visualizations without practical implementation. The goal was to equip participants with essential insights to navigate the digital landscape effectively.

Closing Note:

The success of this practical training stands as a testament to the commitment of our partners and the dedication of participants. We firmly believe that the knowledge gained during these four days will significantly enhance the ability of educational content creators to integrate spatial visualizations into their work effectively.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all partners, participants, and contributors who made this project a resounding success. The "Spatial Visualizations for Educational Content Creators" project eagerly anticipates continued collaboration and the positive impact of spatial visualizations in education. Together, we pave the way for a more visually engaging and impactful educational landscape.

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