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Day 4 of the "Compartir Europa" Training Course: Embracing the Circular Economy

Updated: May 27

Introduction: The fourth day of the "Compartir Europa" training course was dedicated to exploring the concept of the circular economy. Participants learned about sustainable practices and how to capture these through their photography, showcasing the integration of economic activities with environmental stewardship.

Morning Session: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Logistics and Planning The day started with a briefing on the logistics for the day and an introduction to the theme of the circular economy. Participants were provided with an overview of the key concepts and practices associated with the circular economy.

Key Highlights:

  • Logistics Overview: Detailed discussion on the sites to be visited and the aspects of the circular economy to focus on.

  • Equipment Preparation: Ensuring all teams had the necessary photographic tools to capture relevant content effectively.

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM: Practical Photography Session Participants visited various locations to observe and capture the implementation of circular economy practices. This hands-on experience was aimed at enhancing their understanding of sustainable practices and their ability to visually represent these concepts.

Sites Visited:

Mercado Central de Valencia (Central Market of Valencia): The market is an excellent example of sustainable local commerce, where participants captured the dynamics of local trade and its environmental benefits.

Parques Urbanos de Valencia (Urban Parks of Valencia): These parks highlight urban green spaces' role in sustainable urban planning and biodiversity conservation.

Agricultura Cooperativa Periurbana (Periurban Cooperative Agriculture): This site demonstrated sustainable agricultural practices, focusing on the production and distribution of local produce.

Key Activities:

  • Capturing Sustainable Practices: Focusing on how local markets, urban parks, and agricultural cooperatives contribute to the circular economy.

  • Techniques and Angles: Using various photographic techniques to highlight the integration of economic activities with environmental sustainability.

Afternoon Session: 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM: Reflection and Feedback After the practical session, participants gathered at the host organization's venue to reflect on their experiences and share feedback. This session was crucial for understanding the successes and challenges faced during the day.

Key Activities:

  • Group Reflection: Teams shared their photographs and discussed the sustainable practices they observed.

  • Instructor Feedback: Instructors provided constructive feedback on the techniques used and the effectiveness of the visual representations of the circular economy.

Evening Session: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Informal Socialization The day concluded with an informal dinner, offering participants the opportunity to relax and continue their discussions in a more casual setting. This socialization time helped strengthen the bonds within the group and fostered a collaborative learning environment.

Reflections on Day 4: Day 4 of the "Compartir Europa" training course provided a comprehensive look at the circular economy, blending theoretical knowledge with practical photography skills. Participants explored various sites, capturing the essence of sustainable practices and their integration into local economies. The reflection session allowed for valuable insights and feedback, contributing to continuous improvement.

Looking Forward: As the training course progresses, participants will explore more thematic areas, including citizen participation, diversity, and biology. Each day promises new learning experiences and opportunities for growth, enhancing the digital and educational capacities of all participants.

Stay tuned for more updates on the "Compartir Europa" training course as we continue this exciting journey of learning and discovery.

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