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Day 3 of the "Compartir Europa" Training Course: Exploring Geography through Digital Lenses

Updated: May 27

Introduction: Day 3 of the "Compartir Europa" training course focused on the theme of geography. Participants engaged in activities that combined geographic education with advanced photography techniques, allowing them to visualize and capture the essence of different landscapes and geographic features.

Morning Session: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Logistics and Planning The day began with a logistics briefing and planning session. Participants received an overview of the geographic sites to be explored and the specific photographic techniques to be employed.

Key Highlights:

  • Logistics Overview: Detailed briefing on the geographical sites and themes to focus on.

  • Equipment Preparation: Ensuring all teams were equipped with the necessary photographic tools and understanding the use of geographic visualization techniques.

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM: Practical Geography Photography Session Participants spent the day visiting various locations to capture the geographic diversity of Zaragoza and its surroundings. This hands-on session allowed them to apply their theoretical knowledge in a practical setting, focusing on creating compelling visual representations of geographic features.

Geographic Sites Visited:

Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias (City of Arts and Sciences): Participants explored this iconic landmark, capturing its unique blend of modern architecture and surrounding urban landscape.

Torres de Serranos (Serranos Towers): The historic gates provided an excellent subject for understanding the geographical context of medieval urban planning and its evolution.

Valencia's Old Town: Participants walked through the old town, focusing on the geographic layout and historical significance of this area.

Key Activities:

  • Geographical Feature Capture: Emphasis on natural and urban landscapes, understanding the interplay between geographic features and human-made structures.

  • Techniques and Angles: Utilizing various photographic techniques to highlight the geographic diversity, including panoramic and detail-oriented shots.

Afternoon Session: 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM: Reflection and Feedback Participants reconvened at the host organization's venue to reflect on their experiences and share feedback. This session was crucial for discussing the day's successes and areas for improvement.

Key Activities:

  • Group Reflection: Teams shared their photographs and discussed the geographical elements they captured.

  • Instructor Feedback: Instructors provided constructive feedback on the techniques used and the effectiveness of the geographic representations.

Evening Session: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Informal Socialization The day concluded with an informal dinner, allowing participants to relax and continue their discussions in a more casual setting. This socialization time was valuable for building stronger connections and fostering a collaborative learning environment.

Reflections on Day 3: Day 3 of the "Compartir Europa" training course successfully combined practical experience with theoretical knowledge on the theme of geography. Participants explored various geographic sites, capturing the essence of diverse landscapes and urban features. The reflection session provided valuable insights and feedback, contributing to their continuous improvement.

Looking Forward: The training course continues to progress with more thematic days ahead, including topics such as circular economy, citizen participation, and diversity. Each day promises new learning experiences and opportunities for growth, enhancing the digital and educational capacities of all participants.

Stay tuned for more updates on the "Compartir Europa" training course as we continue this exciting journey of learning and discovery.

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