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  • Writer's pictureShare Europe Network Association

Day 2 of the "Compartir Europa" Training Course: A Dive into History

Updated: May 27

Introduction: The second day of the "Compartir Europa" training course was dedicated to exploring historical themes through the lens of digital photography. Participants continued their journey in Zaragoza, Spain, engaging in hands-on activities that blended historical education with technical skills development.

Morning Session: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Logistics and Equipment Briefing The day began with a logistics review and technical equipment briefing. Participants were divided into their respective teams and briefed on the plan for the day. The focus was on ensuring everyone was prepared to capture historical visualizations effectively.

Key Highlights:

  • Review of the Day's Plan: Detailed discussion of the historical sites to be visited and the photographic techniques to be employed.

  • Equipment Check: Ensuring all teams had the necessary technical equipment, including cameras and other photography tools.

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM: Practical Photography Session Participants spent the bulk of the day visiting significant historical sites in Zaragoza and nearby locations, capturing the essence of these places through photography. This hands-on experience was aimed at enhancing their skills in creating educational visual content.

Historical Sites Visited:

Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències (City of Arts and Sciences): Though located in Valencia, participants were shown virtual tours and past project works as case studies to understand the integration of historical knowledge with digital visualization.

Catedral de Valencia (Valencia Cathedral): Another virtual exploration provided insights into capturing the grandeur of historical architecture.

La Lonja de la Seda (Silk Exchange): This historical site was highlighted for its cultural significance and its potential as a subject for historical photography projects.

Key Activities:

  • Capturing Historical Elements: Focusing on architectural details, cultural artifacts, and significant historical markers.

  • Use of Light and Angles: Learning to use natural and artificial light to enhance the historical ambiance in photographs.

Afternoon Session: 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM: Reflection and Feedback After the practical session, participants reconvened at the host organization's venue to reflect on their experiences and share feedback. This session was crucial for understanding the day’s successes and areas for improvement.

Key Activities:

  • Group Reflection: Teams shared their photographs and discussed the challenges and learnings of the day.

  • Instructor Feedback: Instructors provided constructive feedback on the photographs, focusing on techniques and historical representation.

Evening Session: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Informal Socialization The day ended with an informal dinner, allowing participants to unwind and continue their discussions in a relaxed setting. This socialization time helped strengthen the bonds within the group, fostering a supportive learning environment.

Reflections on Day 2: Day 2 of the "Compartir Europa" training course was an immersive dive into history, blending educational content with practical photography skills. The visits to historical sites, both virtual and in-person, provided a rich context for participants to apply their learning. The reflection session allowed for valuable feedback, setting the stage for continuous improvement throughout the course.

Looking Forward: As the training progresses, participants will continue to explore various themes, each designed to enhance their digital and educational capacities. The upcoming thematic days promise more exciting opportunities to learn and grow, with a focus on geography, circular economy, and more.

Stay tuned for further updates on the "Compartir Europa" training course as we continue this journey of learning and discovery.

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