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  • Writer's pictureShare Europe Network Association

Concluding the "Compartir Europa" Training Course: Reflections and Celebrations

Updated: May 27

Introduction: As the "Compartir Europa" training course draws to a close, participants reflect on an enriching and transformative experience that spanned ten intensive days of learning, exploration, and cultural exchange. The final day marked not only the end of a journey but also the beginning of new opportunities, with participants receiving their Europass certificates, symbolizing their achievements and growth.

Reflecting on the Journey: Over the past ten days, participants delved into various themes, each offering unique insights and skills:

  • Day 1: Introduction and preparation, setting the foundation for a collaborative learning environment.

  • Day 2: Historical explorations, capturing the essence of Valencia's rich past.

  • Day 3: Geographic themes, emphasizing the interplay of natural landscapes and human settlements.

  • Day 4: Circular economy, focusing on sustainability and resource management.

  • Day 5: Citizen participation and diversity, showcasing the vibrancy of community life.

  • Day 6: Biological diversity, highlighting the beauty and complexity of flora and fauna.

  • Day 7: Cultural heritage, celebrating Valencia's architectural and historical landmarks.

  • Day 8: Healthy lifestyles, promoting wellness through physical activity and nutrition.

  • Day 9: Urban environments, capturing the dynamic life and architecture of the city.

  • Day 10: Water resources, emphasizing the importance of water conservation and management.

Each thematic day was meticulously planned, with participants visiting relevant sites, engaging in practical photography sessions, and participating in reflective discussions. These activities not only enhanced their technical skills but also deepened their understanding of each theme.

Achieving New Heights: Throughout the course, participants demonstrated remarkable growth in their digital and educational capacities. The practical sessions allowed them to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings, resulting in stunning visual representations of various themes. The reflective sessions fostered a collaborative environment where participants could learn from each other's experiences and insights.

Farewell Dinner: The training concluded with a farewell dinner, a time for celebration and reflection. Participants shared their favorite moments, discussed the challenges they overcame, and celebrated their collective achievements. This final gathering was a testament to the strong bonds formed over the course of the program.

Europass Certification: A highlight of the concluding day was the awarding of Europass certificates to all participants. The Europass certificate is a valuable document that records the skills and competencies acquired during the training. It is recognized across Europe, enhancing participants' employability and educational prospects.

A Journey of Growth: The "Compartir Europa" training course has been a transformative experience for all involved. Participants have not only enhanced their technical skills in digital photography and thematic visualization but also developed a deeper appreciation for the diverse cultural and natural landscapes of Europe.

Looking Forward: As participants return to their home countries, they carry with them new knowledge, skills, and memories. The connections made and the experiences shared will continue to inspire and influence their professional and personal lives. The Europass certificate serves as a formal recognition of their achievements, opening doors to new opportunities and collaborations.

Continuing the Mission: "Compartir Europa" remains committed to fostering learning, collaboration, and cultural exchange. The success of this training course underscores the importance of such initiatives in building a more connected and informed Europe. Stay tuned for future programs and opportunities to engage with "Compartir Europa."

List of Visited Places: Participants managed to capture visual resources from the following sites:

  1. Oceanogràfic (Oceanographic Park)

  2. Catedral de Valencia (Valencia Cathedral)

  3. Museo de las Ciencias Príncipe Felipe (Museum of Sciences "Prince Felipe")

  4. Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias (City of Arts and Sciences)

  5. Torres de Serranos (Serranos Towers)

  6. Entorno Urbano de Valencia (Urban Environment Valencia)

  7. Castillo de Peñíscola (Peñíscola Castle)

  8. Casco Antiguo de Peñíscola (Old Town Peñíscola)

  9. Jardines del Castillo de Peñíscola (Gardens of Peñíscola Castle)

  10. Castell de Xàtiva (Xàtiva Castle)

  11. Torre del Gerro en Dénia (Tower of Gerro Viewpoint in Dénia)

  12. Puerto de Dénia (Dénia Harbour Waterfront)

  13. Casco Antiguo de Dénia (Old Town Dénia)

  14. Bioparc Valencia (Bioparc Valencia)

  15. Playa Central de Valencia (Central Beach Valencia)

  16. Porta de la Mar (Sea Gate)

  17. Árboles Antiguos de Valencia (Old Trees of Valencia)

  18. Port Saplaya (Port Saplaya)

  19. Agricultura Cooperativa Periurbana (Periurban Cooperative Agriculture)

  20. Parques Urbanos de Valencia (Urban Parks of Valencia)

  21. Mercado Central de Valencia (Central Market of Valencia)

  22. La Lonja de la Seda (Silk Exchange)

  23. Plaza de la Reina (Queen's Square)

  24. Plaça de la Verge (Virgin's Square)

  25. Torres de Quart (Quart Towers)

  26. Estación del Norte de Valencia (Valencia North Station)

  27. Celebraciones de Semana Santa (Easter Festivities)

  28. Casco Antiguo de Valencia (Old Town Valencia)

  29. La Marina de Valencia (Valencia Marina)

  30. Plaça de l'Ajuntament (Town Hall Square)

  31. Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias González Martí (National Museum of Ceramics and Decorative Arts González Martí)

  32. Hemisfèric (Hemisfèric)

  33. Jardín Botánico de Valencia (Valencia Botanical Garden)

  34. Museo de Historia de Valencia (Museum of Valencia History)

  35. Puente de las Flores (Flower Bridge)

  36. Playa Central de Peñíscola (Central Beach Peñíscola)

  37. Parques Urbanos de Valencia (Urban Parks of Valencia)

  38. Bioparc - Descripción del Zoológico (Bioparc - Zoo Description)

  39. Oceanogràfic - Túneles y Acuarios (Oceanographic Park - Tunnels and Aquariums)

  40. Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar (Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar)

  41. Monumento a Francisco de Goya (Monument to Francisco de Goya)

  42. Museo del Foro de Caesaraugusta (Museum of the Forum of Caesaraugusta)

  43. Murallas Romanas de Zaragoza (Roman Walls of Zaragoza)

  44. Plaza del Pilar (Pilar Square)

  45. Palacio de la Aljafería (Aljafería Palace)

  46. Casco Antiguo de Zaragoza (Old Town Zaragoza)

  47. Río Ebro - Parque de Zaragoza (Ebro River - Zaragoza Park)

  48. Museo del Teatro de Caesaraugusta (Museum of the Theatre of Caesaraugusta)

  49. Museo Pablo Gargallo (Pablo Gargallo Museum)

  50. Cascada Cola de Caballo (Horse Tail Waterfall)

  51. Basílica de Santa Engracia (Basilica of Santa Engracia)

  52. Entorno Urbano de Zaragoza (Urban Environment Zaragoza)

  53. Mercado Central de Zaragoza (Central Market of Zaragoza)

  54. Sala de Exposiciones La Lonja (La Lonja Exhibition Hall)

  55. Galería de Arte de Zaragoza (Art Gallery Zaragoza)

  56. Puente de Piedra Zaragoza (Stone Bridge Zaragoza)

Conclusion: The end of the "Compartir Europa" training course marks the beginning of new journeys for all participants. With enhanced skills, broadened perspectives, and a Europass certificate in hand, they are well-equipped to contribute to their communities and beyond. As we celebrate their accomplishments, we look forward to the continued impact of "Compartir Europa" in promoting education, cultural exchange, and digital innovation across Europe.

Thank you for following our journey. Stay connected with us for more updates and future initiatives!

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