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  • Writer's pictureShare Europe Network Association

Completing the Visual Database and Educational Materials: A Milestone for "Compartir Europa"

Introduction: We are happy to announce the successful completion of two significant milestones following the "Compartir Europa" training course. Participants have not only updated our visual database with 500 stunning panoramic images but also created 75 comprehensive educational materials now available on These achievements mark a major step forward in enhancing digital education and preserving cultural and natural heritage through immersive visual content.

Reflecting on the Achievements

Expanding the Visual Database: During the on-site mobility sessions in Valencia and Zaragoza, participants captured a diverse array of panoramic images. These 500 high-quality images cover a wide range of themes, including historical sites, urban environments, natural landscapes, and cultural festivities. The visual database now offers a rich repository of immersive content that can be used for educational and cultural purposes. These panoramic images are available for exploration at

List of Visited Places: Participants managed to capture visual resources from the following sites:

  1. Oceanogràfic (Oceanographic Park)

  2. Catedral de Valencia (Valencia Cathedral)

  3. Museo de las Ciencias Príncipe Felipe (Museum of Sciences "Prince Felipe")

  4. Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias (City of Arts and Sciences)

  5. Torres de Serranos (Serranos Towers)

  6. Entorno Urbano de Valencia (Urban Environment Valencia)

  7. Castillo de Peñíscola (Peñíscola Castle)

  8. Casco Antiguo de Peñíscola (Old Town Peñíscola)

  9. Jardines del Castillo de Peñíscola (Gardens of Peñíscola Castle)

  10. Castell de Xàtiva (Xàtiva Castle)

  11. Torre del Gerro en Dénia (Tower of Gerro Viewpoint in Dénia)

  12. Puerto de Dénia (Dénia Harbour Waterfront)

  13. Casco Antiguo de Dénia (Old Town Dénia)

  14. Bioparc Valencia (Bioparc Valencia)

  15. Playa Central de Valencia (Central Beach Valencia)

  16. Porta de la Mar (Sea Gate)

  17. Árboles Antiguos de Valencia (Old Trees of Valencia)

  18. Port Saplaya (Port Saplaya)

  19. Agricultura Cooperativa Periurbana (Periurban Cooperative Agriculture)

  20. Parques Urbanos de Valencia (Urban Parks of Valencia)

  21. Mercado Central de Valencia (Central Market of Valencia)

  22. La Lonja de la Seda (Silk Exchange)

  23. Plaza de la Reina (Queen's Square)

  24. Plaça de la Verge (Virgin's Square)

  25. Torres de Quart (Quart Towers)

  26. Estación del Norte de Valencia (Valencia North Station)

  27. Celebraciones de Semana Santa (Easter Festivities)

  28. Casco Antiguo de Valencia (Old Town Valencia)

  29. La Marina de Valencia (Valencia Marina)

  30. Plaça de l'Ajuntament (Town Hall Square)

  31. Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias González Martí (National Museum of Ceramics and Decorative Arts González Martí)

  32. Hemisfèric (Hemisfèric)

  33. Jardín Botánico de Valencia (Valencia Botanical Garden)

  34. Museo de Historia de Valencia (Museum of Valencia History)

  35. Puente de las Flores (Flower Bridge)

  36. Playa Central de Peñíscola (Central Beach Peñíscola)

  37. Parques Urbanos de Valencia (Urban Parks of Valencia)

  38. Bioparc - Descripción del Zoológico (Bioparc - Zoo Description)

  39. Oceanogràfic - Túneles y Acuarios (Oceanographic Park - Tunnels and Aquariums)

  40. Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar (Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar)

  41. Monumento a Francisco de Goya (Monument to Francisco de Goya)

  42. Museo del Foro de Caesaraugusta (Museum of the Forum of Caesaraugusta)

  43. Murallas Romanas de Zaragoza (Roman Walls of Zaragoza)

  44. Plaza del Pilar (Pilar Square)

  45. Palacio de la Aljafería (Aljafería Palace)

  46. Casco Antiguo de Zaragoza (Old Town Zaragoza)

  47. Río Ebro - Parque de Zaragoza (Ebro River - Zaragoza Park)

  48. Museo del Teatro de Caesaraugusta (Museum of the Theatre of Caesaraugusta)

  49. Museo Pablo Gargallo (Pablo Gargallo Museum)

  50. Cascada Cola de Caballo (Horse Tail Waterfall)

  51. Basílica de Santa Engracia (Basilica of Santa Engracia)

  52. Entorno Urbano de Zaragoza (Urban Environment Zaragoza)

  53. Mercado Central de Zaragoza (Central Market of Zaragoza)

  54. Sala de Exposiciones La Lonja (La Lonja Exhibition Hall)

  55. Galería de Arte de Zaragoza (Art Gallery Zaragoza)

  56. Puente de Piedra Zaragoza (Stone Bridge Zaragoza)

Creating Educational Materials: In addition to updating the visual database, participants also focused on creating educational content that leverages these images. A total of 75 educational materials have been developed, encompassing interactive lessons, virtual tours, and multimedia presentations. These resources are designed to enhance learning experiences by providing engaging, visual-rich content across various subjects.

Available Now on All 75 educational materials are now accessible on, our dedicated platform for immersive educational content. This platform allows educators and learners to explore the materials, integrating them into their teaching and learning practices. The use of 360-degree images and interactive content provides a unique and engaging way to explore diverse topics.

Final Reflections

A Journey of Collaboration and Innovation: The completion of these milestones reflects the hard work and dedication of all participants. The collaborative efforts during both the on-site and virtual training sessions have resulted in high-quality visual and educational resources that will benefit educators and learners across Europe.

Enhancing Digital Education: By updating the visual database and creating new educational materials, the "Compartir Europa" project continues to push the boundaries of digital education. These resources provide innovative ways to engage with content, making learning more interactive and impactful.

Looking Forward: As we celebrate these accomplishments, we look forward to continuing our mission of fostering learning, collaboration, and cultural exchange. The visual database and educational materials are just the beginning. We are excited about the future possibilities and the continued impact of the "Compartir Europa" initiative.

Conclusion: The successful completion of the visual database update and the creation of educational materials marks a significant achievement for the "Compartir Europa" project. With 500 panoramic images available on and 75 educational resources now available on, we are well-equipped to enhance digital education and promote cultural and natural heritage. Thank you for following our journey. Stay connected with us for more updates and future initiatives!

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